Clinivate Data Breach – Class Action Investigation
Ahdoot Wolfson is interested in speaking with individuals who received a notice letter from Clinivate LLC that their personal information was exposed during a recent data breach.
On March 23 2022, Clinivate discovered suspicious activity on its system, initiating an immediate internal investigation that concluded that certain files on their system containing personal health information had been accessed between March 12, 2022-March 21, 2022.
On July 22, 2022 Clinivate sent out notification to an unspecified number of members whose sensitive medical information may have been compromised as result of this breach. Medical information compromised may have included: names, social security numbers, medical record numbers, health plan beneficiary details, treatment and diagnosis data (among other medical information), and even financial information.
Clinivate’s failure to protect sensitive personal and medical information may be a violation of data privacy and consumer protection laws.
If you received a letter or other notification confirming that you have been impacted by the Clinivate data breach please fill out the form below and one of the attorneys at Ahdoot Wolfson will promptly contact you.