Massage Envy May Continue Charging Fees to Customers of Closed Locations – Class Action Investigation
Ahdoot Wolfson is investigating a potential class action against massage and skin care franchise network Massage Envy based upon reports that it continues to charge monthly membership fees to customers of Massage Envy franchises that have been closed. Reports indicate that consumers who were members at closed Massage Envy franchises will continue to receive electronic charges to their payment cards or bank accounts well after the Massage Envy location at which they were a member has permanently closed.
Massage Envy’s reported practice of continuing to charge membership fees electronically and without customer authorization after its locations close may violate state and federal consumer protection laws as well as laws prohibiting auto-renewal practices.
If you were a customer of a Massage Envy location that continued to be charged for membership fees after the location closed, we would like to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and our firm will reach out to you via telephone for a free consultation.