New Jersey Brain and Spine Data Breach – Class Action Investigation
Ahdoot Wolfson is interested in speaking with individuals who received a notice letter from New Jersey Brain and Spine that their sensitive personal information was exposed during a recent data breach.
New Jersey Brain and Spine recently announced that in November 2021 highly sensitive information of its patients, including names, SSNs, contact details, financial account details, debit or credit card information, driver’s licenses, and medical information, was compromised by a “malicious actor” during a ransomware attack. Reports indicate that as many as 92,453 individuals have been notified in connection with the breach that their data has been impacted.
New Jersey Brain and Spine’s failure to protect sensitive personal and medical information may be a violation of data privacy and consumer protection laws. If you received a letter or other notification confirming that you have been impacted by the data breach, please fill out the form below and one of the attorneys at Ahdoot Wolfson will promptly contact you.