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Receivables Performance Management LLC Data Breach Impacts 3.7 Million Consumers – Class Action Investigation

November 29, 2022 by  

Ahdoot Wolfson is interested in speaking with individuals who received a notification that their sensitive personal information may have been disclosed in a data breach impacting a Washington-based accounts receivable company called Receivables Performance Management LLC (“RPM”). 

According to RPM’s breach notification, the company suffered a ransomware attack in 2021, and RPM’s investigation has revealed that cybercriminals may have gained access to the sensitive information of approximately 3.7 million people. RPM has indicated that the information impacted in the incident includes Social Security numbers.

RPM’s failure to protect consumer Social Security numbers and other sensitive information may be a violation of consumer protection and data privacy laws. If you recently received a notice from RPM indicating that you were impacted by the data breach, please fill out the form below and one of our lawyers promptly will contact you.

Receivables Performance Mgmt Breach