SuperCare Health Data Breach – Class Action Investigation
Ahdoot Wolfson is interested in speaking with individuals who received a notice letter from SuperCare Health that their sensitive personal information was exposed during a recent data breach.
According to reports, California-based respiratory care provider SuperCare Health has disclosed a data breach that impacts more the 300,000 individuals. Specifically, in a data security notice on its website, SuperCare Health identified that an intrusion was detected on July 27, 2021, when it noticed unauthorized activity on some systems. An investigation revealed that unauthorized persons had access to certain systems between July 23 and July 27, 2021. It took the company until February 4, 2022, to determine that the exposed files contained patient information, including name, address, date of birth, hospital or medical group, medical record number, patient account number, health-related information, and claim information. In some cases, social security numbers and driver’s license numbers were also stored in the compromised files.
SuperCare Health only began to notify impacted individuals about the incident on March 25, 2022. The company told the US Department of Health and Human Services that the breach has impacted 318,379 people.
SuperCare Health’s failure to protect sensitive personal and medical information may be a violation of data privacy and consumer protection laws. If you received a letter or other notification confirming that you have been impacted by the data breach, please fill out the form below and one of the attorneys at Ahdoot Wolfson will promptly contact you.