Voila AI Artist/Wemagine AI Facial Scans and Biometric Privacy Violations – Class Action Investigation
Ahdoot Wolfson is investigating a potential class action lawsuit against Wemagine.AI LLP, the maker of the Voila AI Artist photo editing app for iOS and Android that uses artificial intelligence to turn your pictures into a cartoon. Ahdoot Wolfson is investigating a potential lawsuit for reported violations of illinois’ biometric privacy law, called the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”).
According to reports, the Voila AI Artist app takes, utilizes, and stores facial information of Illinois residents using the app to create cartoon pictures of themselves. Reports indicate that Wemagine and the Voila app capture and store this facial information without users’ informed written consent, and then does not disclose where or for how long the data will be stored.
The Illinois BIPA requires informed consent and certain disclosures to be provided to persons whose facial scans are being collected before collecting, storing, or using that biometric information. Wemagine and the Voila app’s collection and storage of facial and other data without customer consent may violate the Illinois BIPA.
If you have used the Voila AI Artist app and have not provided consent in using the app for collection or storage of facial and biometric data, please contact us by filling out the form below, and one of the attorneys at Ahdoot Wolfson promptly will contact you.